At Earthyma, we believe that living lightly on this planet requires a conscious effort. It's about rolling up our sleeves and making mindful choices because we don’t have the luxury of not caring about waste. Embracing this lifestyle may take a little extra work, but the rewards—for our health, our planet, and future generations—are immeasurable.

Refill and Reuse

One of the simplest yet most impactful ways to reduce waste is by refilling and reusing containers. By choosing products that come in refillable packaging, we can significantly cut down on single-use plastics and other disposable materials. At Earthyma, we offer a range of products designed for refill, allowing you to return empty containers and receive a discount on your next purchase. We understand that at first glance, our pricing for refills might seem a bit confusing—comparing the cost of a product packaged for the first time versus ordering a refilled container, and figuring out the logistics of getting used containers back to us. It might take some initial thought, but at its heart, it’s simple. This extra effort is part of our higher responsibility of caring about our footprint and ensuring that our products remain sustainable and eco-friendly.

Natural and Non-Toxic Choices

Opting for products that break down naturally and do not pollute our bodies or waterways with toxins is another crucial aspect of this mindful lifestyle. Many conventional products contain harmful chemicals that can disrupt our health and damage the environment. By choosing natural, non-toxic alternatives, we protect ourselves and contribute to a cleaner, healthier planet. Earthyma’s range of skincare and household products are crafted with ethically sourced, safe ingredients, ensuring they are as kind to the Earth as they are to you.

Creative Kitchen Solutions

In the kitchen, we can make a significant impact by creatively using leftovers and minimising food waste. This not only maximises the nutrition we extract from the foods we buy but also drastically reduces the amount of waste we generate. Our 'Simple Recipes' features smart recipes and tips for making the most of your ingredients, helping you to cook sustainably and deliciously. From inventive ways to use vegetable scraps to cooking with fresh produce, we provide practical ideas to inspire you to make every meal count.

Supporting Community Initiatives

A key part of our mission is to support local communities. We are proud to contribute to the Women's Community Centre in Stepney by regularly donating our products to support their activities. Additionally, our amazing customers can contribute through donations on our website, with 100% of the proceeds going directly to the Centre. I also serve on the board, working closely with them to support their invaluable initiatives.

Growing Your Own

For those with access to a garden, growing your own food—especially herbs—can be a rewarding and sustainable practice. Herbs are often heavily packaged and expensively priced in shops, but they are relatively easy to grow at home. Our blog shares ideas and tips on how to cultivate your own herb garden, even in small spaces. By growing your own, you reduce packaging waste and enjoy the freshest, most flavorful herbs right at your fingertips.

Making a Difference Together

Choosing to live lightly on this planet might require a bit more effort, but together, we can make a substantial difference. At Earthyma, we are committed to supporting you on this journey with products, ideas, and inspiration that align with these values. By embracing mindful consumption and sustainable practices, we can create a healthier, more vibrant future for ourselves and for generations to come.