Plastic Free July
Posted by Charlotte Reimer on
We gave our first plastic free July a shot last year. Our aim was to cut down on a couple of everyday items to reduce landfill. We began with a few changes in our household including:
GLAD WRAP - we haven't used or missed this since June 2017 thanks to our very own Beeswax Food Wraps.
NAPPY BAGS - we now collect the Who Gives a Crap wrappers from the toilet rolls (or similar items) which can be used as an alternative. We use a reusable nappy for our little ones nappy at least once a day too.
RECYCLE BREAD TAGS, LIDS & CAPS - these can be collected in a milk bottle then placed in the recycle bin.
RECYCLE SOFT PLASTICS - we collect them in one of our own Reusable Produce Bags and once full, transport into an existing soft plastic and take to a redcycle venue.
COLLECT COFFEE GRINDS - sprinkle them on the garden. Which as a result is looking so healthy and bug free.
Fast forward one year later and we have gone from 3 to over 7 different types of bins under our sink. Once your set up it is really easy to maintain. We still have a way to go for a zero waste goal but these things take time.
If are wanting to give a more of a plastic free like a go, we recommend to START SMALL and let it grow from there. Even if you just use a keepcup or bamboo toothbrush or stop using plastic straws, give it a shot.
Every effort will help the impact you can have on this beautiful earth. Check out the photo of some of our favourite alternative items. We got this gang!
Thanks for the tips! I’ve started implementing a few of these tips at home. Love hearing new ones too.